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As the UK enters a second lockdown on the 5th November, Cobnor Activities Centre Trust (CACT) will continue to provide limited services for our partners, supporting the most vulnerable through a restricted outdoor programme and providing much needed team support, in-line with both government and public health guidelines.

The CACT office team is working from home and on hand to provide advice and continued support to our schools, families and youth groups via email and phone between the hours of 0900 – 1630 from Monday to Friday. 

Our holiday and activity courses and dates will be available from the 1st December 2020. A full list of updates of our services can be found here on this website, as soon as they happen. 

The safety of our staff and customers is our top priority. Our Centre is regularly cleaned, and we ask our staff and customers to following government regulations, including social distancing, regular hand washing and use of face coverings. 

If you are a teacher, parent, or youth organisation in need of support or information about our services, you can contact us by: 

Phone: 01243 572791
Web site: 

I wish to take this opportunity to thank all our supporters, staff, and volunteers for their support throughout this challenging year.  

Kind regards

Gary Palmer
Head of Centre