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Your support keeps us going

As a non-profit, independent charity dedicated to making a difference, we rely on generous donations from individuals like you. Your contributions help sustain our mission and support the valuable work we do as a local children’s charity. Consider donating to charity via JustGiving Donations to help us continue our vital initiatives. Explore how to support us and make a meaningful impact today.

Ways to support us

Support us to expand facilities and activities, offering outdoor experiences to all. Donate via JustGiving or sign up for our newsletter to stay informed. Join us in making a difference!

Funded Programmes

Cobnor Activities Centre Trust is dedicated to ensuring our Centre is accessible to all.

We are very grateful to several organisations for donating grants to support our mission. We have recently received funding from the following organisations:

  • Fat Face Foundation: Through our Young Helms Programme we are enabling up to 200 young adults to experience water activities. Read more
  • Bassil Shippam and Alsford Trust: Supporting the CACT three-day Holiday Camp for six disadvantaged local primary school children. Read more
  • The Hedley Foundation: Providing opportunities for 14 homeless individuals to engage in water-based activities in Autumn 2024.
  • RYA Foundation Fund: Partnering with Scaramouche Sailing Trust to bring 10 Year 7 and 8 pupils for two weekends to achieve RYA Youth Stage 1 and 2 in Autumn 2024.
  • Collaboration with Young People’s Shop: CACT met with Young People’s Shop to explore new opportunities for collaboration.